Make A Sponsorship Payment

Sponsorship payments can be made below either online or by physical check. If paying online, please note that all transaction and processing fees are included in the total. Thank you in advance for being a STAMA sponsor! If you have any questions, please send us a message.

Pay Online

Please use the form below to complete an online Sponsorship payment. All transaction fees will be included in the total.

  • $0.00

Pay By Check

If you prefer to pay by check, please make it payable to STAMA, write your sponsorship level in the MEMO section, and send to our Treasurer (Kaitlyn Cautero):

Attn: STAMA Treasurer
522 Blanning Drive
Dallas, TX  75218

Payment amounts do not require transactions fees when paying by check. Sponsorship levels/payment amounts are:

  • STAMA Saint – $500
  • White Rock Rockstar – $350
  • For the Love of the Lake – $200
  • STAMA Sister – $100